FARM BUSiness resilience program
We recently delivered the FBRP across both WA and the NT. This program armed participants with the knowledge and confidence to be resilient in not only tackling change, but in getting ahead of it and turning risks into opportunities.
What value was created?
A farm business plan, that set participants up for resilience through any climatic, economic or social changes in the future.
The program followed a series of 4 days of interactive Bootcamp Masterclass style learning delivered in 2 x 2 day blocks. This was reinforced by additional virtual learning sessions and 1 x one-on-one virtual business coaching sessions.
WA Farm Business Resilience Program
Value Creators was appointed by WA Department of Primary Industry and Regional Development (DPIRD) to deliver the Australian Governments Future Drought Fund’s Farm Business Resilience Program in WA (2022). Design and delivery of the program to agricultural businesses in WA focused on innovation, mentoring, and preparing for drought, building climate resilience, data driven decision making, and carbon farming opportunities.
35 participants from this program have been awarded a Diploma of Leadership and Management as a result of completing the program and their detailed FBRP Plan.
NT Farm Business Resilience Program
Value Creators was appointed by the Northern Territory Government to deliver the Future Drought Fund’s Farm Business Resilience Program in the NT (2023). This featured customisation of content, new products, and delivery of the program to agricultural businesses in the NT. It focused on innovation, mentoring and preparing for drought, building climate resilience, farm water use efficiency, and data driven decision making.
For more information about the program and access to free learning about this topic, including podcasts and webinars, please click on the link to the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) here.